Load Shedding paragraph For Class 6, 7, 8, 9, SSC & HSC

আজকের আর্টিকেলটা পরে আপনারা কিভাবে লিখতে হয় সম্পূর্ণ জানতে পারবেন। এখানে আপনারা লোডশেডিং সম্পর্কে বিভিন্ন ক্লাসে প্যারাগ্রাফ গুলো এখানে পেয়ে যাবেন। আর্টিকেলটা পড়লে আপনার যেমন ক্লাস ৬,৭,৮,৯,১০ এবং এসএসসি এবং এসএসসি এই ক্লাসগুলোর প্যারাগ্রাফ গুলো পেয়ে যাবেন।
আর্টিকেলটা সম্পূর্ণ পরলে load shedding paragraph,load shedding paragraph ssc,load shedding paragraph hsc,load shedding paragraph for class 9-10,load shedding paragraph for class 8,load shedding paragraph for class 7,load shedding paragraph in 200 words,load shedding paragraph in 100 words,load shedding paragraph for sscএই আপনারা জানতে পারবেন।
আমাদের মধ্যে অনেকেই আছেন যারা অনেক ভালো ইংলিশ পারেন আবার অনেকে আছেন যারা ইংলিশ একটু কম পারেন বা বুঝতে সমস্যা হয় তারা অনেক এডভান্স বা গ্রামারে এরকম টাইপের প্যারাগ্রাফ খুঁজে যেন তাদের খুব সহজে মুখস্ত করতে পারে।
কিন্তু বেশিরভাগ গ্রামারগুলি বা এডভান্স গুলোয় প্যারাগ্রাফগুলো একটু কমপ্লেক্স আকারে দিয়ে থাকে। তাই অনেক খোঁজাখুঁজি করার পরেও তারা তাদের মন মত প্যারাগ্রাফগুলো খুঁজে পায় না এবং তারা কঠিন ব্যয়গুলো মুখস্ত করে দিয়ে পরীক্ষার হলে তা ভুলে যায় এবং ভালোভাবে লিখতে পারে না। তাই আজকের এই সাইকেলটা যদি তারা পরে বা আমাদের এ ওয়েবসাইট থেকে প্যারাগ্রাফ গুলো পড়ে তাহলে তারা খুব সহজেই মুখস্ত করতে পারবে এবং খুব সহজে মনে রাখতে পারবে এবং পরীক্ষায় ভালোভাবে লিখতে পারবে এটা আশা করা যায়। এর ফলে কিছু সে শিখতে পারবে।
Load Shedding paragraph For Class 6, 7, 8, 9, SSC & HSC
আমি আবারো বলে দেই আপনারা যদি এই আর্টিকেলটি সম্পূর্ণ পড়েন তাহলে জানতে পারবেন load shedding paragraph,load shedding paragraph ssc,load shedding paragraph hsc,load shedding paragraph for class 9-10,load shedding paragraph for class 8,load shedding paragraph for class 7,load shedding paragraph in 200 words,load shedding paragraph in 100 words,load shedding paragraph for ssc এই সম্পর্কে।
Load Shedding paragraph SSC
The term “load shedding” refers to the brief cutting off of electricity. It is a common problem that we encounter in life. It occurs when the production of power is not sufficient to meet demand and when the unplanned distribution of electricity occurs. Bangladesh is facing a serious issue with load shedding. It’s getting higher every day. It is now a common occurrence in our daily life. There exist multiple rationales behind load shedding. The main reason is a lack of electricity. Other issues include unlawful connections and misuse of electricity.
Usually, load shedding happens at night. The majority of our country’s population uses electricity at night. Load shedding mostly affects companies, stores, hospitals, and residential activities, among other things. This leads to a number of issues. Patients in hospitals face severe hardship as a result of load shedding. There are no words to describe the agony load shedding has caused pupils. They can not properly prepare for load shedding through research. Additionally, load shedding has an impact on our nation’s economy.
But there’s a pressing need to find a speedy solution. Electricity use is something that everyone should be aware of. When you leave the house, turn off all electronic devices. It is necessary to build more power plants. Stopping unauthorized connections and system failures is necessary. To address this serious issue, our government and relevant authorities ought to take the appropriate action.
Load Shedding paragraph HSC
The act of cutting off the provision of electricity is known as load-shedding. In areas where people have grown accustomed to living off of energy, load shedding is a terrible curse. When power production falls short of demand, it happens. In addition, unauthorized power connections and unplanned distribution are also to blame. When energy output is insufficient to meet demand, energy supply in one location is temporarily shut off to ensure sufficient power in another. Large cities and industrial regions bear the brunt of load-shedding.
The lights of a few automobiles and buses are flashing here and there as the streets suddenly turn completely dark. In factories and mills, the operating productive machinery stops. The load-shedding-related hardships of the students are described as beggarly. They shut their books and sit motionless in the darkness. Nothing is immune from the load-shedding plague, not even the hospital.
Research supplies and medications stored in refrigerators and other regulated temperatures suffer deterioration. Products kept in cold storage eventually deteriorate. In order to solve this issue, we must take decisive action to generate enough electricity, plan for distribution, build new power plants, cut off unauthorized connections, guard against abuse, and maintain business centers and retail stores open during designated hours. We do, however, want our government to consider the situation and act as soon as possible.
load shedding paragraph for class 9-10
Bangladesh is not a large nation. But there are numerous issues with it. Among them is load shedding. The act of cutting off power for a brief or extended length of time is known as load shedding.
Load shedding has been a frequent occurrence in our nation. Every day, it becomes more and more out of control. It creates issues for other people. Load shedding has numerous causes. The primary reason of load-shedding in our nation is insufficient electricity output. Load-shedding can also be caused by unauthorized connections and haphazard power distribution. It also has some dishonest people to blame.
Load shedding caused mills and industries to close. When there is load shedding, the pupils sit in the dark, closed their books. If it takes place during their exams, they suffer greatly. Food stored in refrigerators eventually goes bad. Load shedding also causes severe suffering for the patients. People suffer greatly when there is load shedding. Living at home gets difficult.
Electricity shouldn’t be wasted. To address this issue, the government ought to act. To meet the demand for electricity, the government ought to build new power plants. There is also a need for public awareness in this regard.
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load shedding paragraph for class 8
A temporary power outage is referred to as “load-shedding.” People who have become accustomed to living their lives dependent on energy suffer greatly from load shedding. It happens when there is less power generated than there is demand for it. Furthermore, it can also be attributed to uncontrolled distribution and illegal electricity connections. When energy output is insufficient to meet demand, energy supply is temporarily halted in one location to ensure sufficient power is available in another.
Large cities and industrial sectors are especially affected by load shedding. Suddenly, the streets are completely dark, with only a few cars’ and buses’ lights blinking occasionally. The productive machines that have been operating halt. Production is severely hindered in factories and mills. A description of the load-shedding beggars’ sufferings among the students. They close their books and sit idly in the dark. Even the hospital is not exempt from the load-shedding affliction. Patients in hospitals are unable to undergo surgery or x-rays. Products kept cold in storage facilities eventually deteriorate.
We must take decisive action to end this issue by producing enough power, distributing it strategically, building more power plants, cutting off unauthorized connections, guarding against abuse, and maintaining commercial and retail establishments open during designated hours.We do, however, want our government to consider the situation and act as soon as possible.
load shedding paragraph for class 7
A challenge in contemporary civic life is load shedding. It is now visible in both cities and villages. Electricity has contributed to the advancement of modern civilization. In addition to eradicating nighttime darkness, electricity also resurrects prosperity. Electricity is necessary to run factories, just as it is for everyday household tasks. The production of power is costly. Our nation’s need for electricity is growing daily, yet new power plants aren’t being constructed to keep up with the demand.
One of the primary causes of this is economic instability. A power loss caused calamity for the factory. Owners are experiencing financial difficulties as a result of the falling productivity. Patients in hospitals have unpleasant lives as a result of not having power. The extremes of public life suffering and children’s educational challenges will follow if load shedding is not addressed. It is imperative that action be taken to stop the supply of energy from being inconsistent and to adjust supply to demand. It is important to get the concerned authorities to take the appropriate action to stop power interruptions.
load shedding paragraph for class 6
Load Shedding: The term “load-shedding” refers to the temporary cessation of electrical supplies. When there is a discrepancy between the amount of power generated and the amount of electricity consumed, load-shedding takes place. It causes issues that have a wide range of effects on a nation’s socioeconomic development. It affects homes, mills, factories, shops, industries, and hospitals among other places. Industries, factories, and mills come to a complete stop. Productivity is hampered by power outages.
Living at home gets difficult. The housewives in the kitchen scratch in the dark. Students’ suffering as a result of load shedding beggar.description. Patients endure excruciating pain as a result of load-shedding. Everything stops. Food stored in refrigerators eventually goes bad. Products kept cold in storage facilities eventually deteriorate.In actuality, load-shedding destroys the nation irrevocably and causes immense pain to its citizens. Everything stops, both in the home and in the workplace. The goal of halting load-shedding should be a priority.
শেষ কথা লোডশেডিং প্যারাগ্রাফ যেগুলো দেওয়া হয়েছে বিভিন্ন ক্লাসের আপনারা যদি পড়ে বা মুখস্ত করে থাকেন বা আমাদের ওয়েবসাইটে ব্যবহার করেন বা আপনার যদি সোজা মনে হয়। বা এটা পড়ে আপনার উপকৃত হচ্ছেন বলে মনে হচ্ছে আমাদের সাথে থাকবেন এবং আমাদের নতুন নতুন পোস্ট গুলো ভিজিস্ট করবেন।
এই প্যারাগ্রাফটা পড়ে যদি আপনার ভালো লাগে তাহলে আমাদের আরো অনেক প্যারাগ্রাফগুলো দেওয়া আছে সেগুলো আপনারা দেখতে পারেন আমাদের ওয়েবসাইটটা ভিজিট করে অথবা আপনার যদি কোন প্যারাগ্রা বা অন্য কোন পোস্ট এর দরকার হয়ে থাকে তাহলে আমাদের কাছে তার রিকোয়েস্ট করতে পারেন আমরা তা লিখে দিয়ে দেবো ইনশাআল্লাহ।
যদি আপনার উপকৃত হয় আমাদের comment করে দেবেন আর যদি প্যারাগ্রাফ কোন ভুল ত্রুটি অবশ্যই কমেন্ট করবেন আমরা তা সংশোধন করে দেব।
আমাদের আর্টিকেল সম্পূর্ণ করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ।