
Our National Flag Paragraph For Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 & HSC


Our National Flag Paragraph For Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 & HSC

নিচে পর্যায়ক্রমে প্রিতিটি ক্লাস এর জন্যে আলাদা আলাদা করে রচনাটি দেয়া আছে 👇

প্রথম এ ক্লাস – 6 এর জন্য
এর পর ক্লাস – 7 এর জন্য
এর পর ক্লাস – 8 এর জন্য
এর পর – SSC এর জন্য
এর পর – HSC এর জন্য

জাতীয় পতাকা একটা দেশের প্রতীক । বাংলাদেশের জাতীয় পতাকা সবুজ আয়তক্ষেত্রের মধ্যে লাল বৃত্ত।তবে এটি বাংমাদেশের প্রথম জাতীয় পতাকা নয় । এর আগে স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধের পর বাংলাদেশের আরো একটি পতাকা ছিল । যার আদলেই এই পতাকা নির্মিত । বাংলাদেশের প্রথম পতাকা দেখতে কিছু টা বর্তমান পতাকার মতো হলেও সেটার লাল বৃত্তের ভিতর এ একটি বাংলাদেশের মানচিত্র এর ছবি ছিল । যেটি পরবর্তী সময়ে সরিয়ে ফেলা হয়  চলুন আজ আমরা বাংলাদেশের জাতীয় পতাকা সম্পর্কে একটি ইংলিশ পারাগ্রাফ সম্পকরকে জেনে নেই।

আপনারা যদি প্যারাগ্রাফটি সম্পূর্ণ পড়েন তাহলে our national flag paragraph,our national flag paragraph 150 words,our national flag paragraph short,our national flag paragraph for class 10,our national flag paragraph for class 9-10,our national flag paragraph bangladesh,our national flag paragraph for class 7,our national flag paragraph 100 words,our national flag paragraph for class 6,our national flag paragraph for class 5,our national flag paragraph for class 8,our national flag paragraph for class 4,our national flag paragraph for hsc,our national flag paragraph for class 3,our national flag paragraph 500 words,our national flag paragraph 200 words,short essay our national flag paragraph এই সম্পর্কে জানতে পারবেন

Our National Flag

Our National Flag Paragraph For Class 6

A nation’s national flag serves as its initial symbol of identity. Our nation’s green, equitable, and free spirit are represented by our flag. It represents our rebellious and loving minds, as well as freedom and the fighters who sacrifice their lives for it. Its measurement is 10:6 in size.

It has a rectangular shape. It has green and blood red hues. The hue green symbolises both our gentle personality and the peaceful, green surroundings of our nation. The red in the centre of the flag symbolises the ultimate blood sacrifice made by our fearless liberation fighters. It also shows the rising sun, which stands for the recently formed nation of freedom. Numerous governmental and non-governmental institutions raise the flag on national holidays.

The national parliament and political party headquarters continuously raise the flag. The national flag is flown at half mast on days of national mourning or on terrible occasions. For instance, on February 21, it is flown at half mast in remembrance of the “language martyrs.” We can preserve its honour by paying proper respect to the liberation fighters, our nation, and our fellow citizens.

Our National Flag Paragraph For Class 7

Bangladesh’s national flag holds great significance for our nation. It’s deeply symbolic. It has a large red circle in the centre of a gorgeous green background. The crimson circle symbolises the blood of those who gave their lives to ensure our independence, while the colour green stands for the rich vegetation of our country.

It represents our pride and unity as Bangladeshis. We feel joy and pride in our nation when we see our flag flying. Because our flag symbolises both our independence and the battles of our ancestors, we should always respect and honour it.

It serves as a warm embrace from our country, serving as a reminder of both our shared heritage and the value of cooperating for a brighter future.

আরো পড়ুন:

Our National Flag Paragraph For Class 8

Bangladesh’s national flag is comparable to a representation of the freedom of our nation. It stands for our freedom, strength, and togetherness. It was created in 1971, when Bangladesh was fighting Pakistan for its independence.

The flag has a 10:6 ratio and is rectangular in shape. Its colours are meticulously chosen, and it is expertly crafted from materials like silk, cotton, or linen. The majority of it is green, with a crimson circle that resembles the rising sun in the centre.

Green symbolises the vitality and youth of our nation, much like the verdant fields that surround us. The beginning of our liberation is symbolised by the red circle, which gives us courage and hope.

Every day, the flag is flown at half mast in significant buildings and schools. It’s occasionally lowered halfway to show respect on depressing days. However, it’s flown everywhere on significant days like Victory Day and Independence Day, which makes us all feel unified and proud.

our national flag paragraph

Our National Flag Paragraph For Class 9

A nation’s national flag is a unique emblem that symbolises it. Usually, it is covered in vibrant patterns and designs. When people see their nation’s flag flying high, they feel proud. A flag’s colours and symbols frequently have significant connotations. The colours could represent bravery, peace, or freedom, for instance.

Every nation has a distinctive flag, which is frequently flown during athletic events, on significant buildings, and on national holidays. People are brought together by the national flag, which serves as a powerful symbol of their shared identity and history.

Bangladesh’s national flag is a powerful emblem that is firmly embedded in the history and identity of the country. A striking crimson background serves as a visual representation of the bravery and sacrifices made by those who battled for independence. The bright green rectangle in the middle represents the fertility and lushness of Bangladesh’s countryside.

Bangladesh is defined by its unity, independence, and scenic beauty, all of which are embodied in the flag’s straightforward but striking design. It acts as a continual symbol of the country’s hard-earned sovereignty and the resilience of its people.

Bangladesh’s national flag is a representation of the nation’s pride and identity. All things considered, the flag is a potent symbol of Bangladesh’s independence, unity, and rich natural heritage.

Our National Flag Paragraph For Class 10

An honourable possession of a free nation is its national flag. It represents a nation that enjoys freedom. Every nation that is free has its own national flag. We live in a free nation. Additionally, we have a rich national flag.

Usually, silk or bottom is used to make it. The flag measures rectangles. The flag’s size proportion is either 5:3 or 10:6. It has two beautiful colours, bottle green and red. The flag has a red circle in the centre of it. Bottle green is what’s left over. The flag’s crimson circle represents the sacred blood of the valiant sons who lost their lives in the 1971 Liberation War in defence of our homeland.

Once more, the green bottle represents our country’s green fields, green woods, green food, and green trees and plants. Every day, the flag is flown atop all public buildings, including courts and educational establishments. The flag is flown at half mast on days of national mourning. On the other hand, it is raised worldwide on Language, Independence, and Victory Days.

We sincerely honour, adore, and revere our national flag. Our pride in the national flag is strong. It serves as a reminder of our brave freedom warriors’ ultimate sacrifice. At all costs, we are always prepared to protect its dignity. Our national flag motivates us to voice our opposition to injustice and to take on obstacles head-on.

our national flag paragraph

Our National Flag Paragraph For HSC

Our national flag serves as a unique emblem that embodies our identity as a nation. It soars through the heavens, symbolising the pride in our country. Gaining our flag, however, wasn’t simple.

Prior to March 26, 1971, Bangladesh lacked independence. It was known as East Pakistan and was a part of Pakistan. There, people lacked the freedom they desired. They received unfair treatment. They so made the decision to defend their rights. To achieve independence, our gallant warriors battled under our flag. After nine months of laborious struggle and sacrifice, Bangladesh attained independence. We triumphantly hoisted our flag high into the sky.

Our flag is unique. With a ratio of 10 to 6, it is wider than it is long. With a red stripe, it’s primarily green. The red symbolises the bravery of our troops who gave their lives to defend our independence, while the green represents the natural beauty of our country.

Schools begin each day with the hoisting of our flag. Government and private offices fly our flag as well. Our flag decorates the air on significant national holidays, serving as a constant reminder of our pride and togetherness. However, it is lowered midway to show respect on depressing days.

We take great pride in our flag. It is more than simply colourful cloth; it is a symbol of who we are and gives us courage and optimism. It is our responsibility to fly our flag high so that everyone can see it and to always respect and honour it.

Our National Flag Paragraph Easy

The national flag of our nation serves as a symbol of pride and unification. It’s something that we all understand and value. The flag we fly for Bangladesh is the same. Its distinctive design makes it stand out. In the middle of the green backdrop lies a striking red circle. The verdant scenery of our country is symbolised by the colour green. It serves as a reminder of Bangladesh’s abundant natural beauty. There’s more to the red circle than meets the eye. The blood of those who battled for the freedom of our country is displayed.

On numerous significant days, we see our national flag. It sails high in the sky these days, billowing with the wind. It’s a stirring sight that makes us feel deeply patriotic.

Gazing up at it, we are reminded of our past and the struggles our people have overcome. The flag serves as a symbol of who we are and what we stand for. It recounts historical tales and expresses optimism for the future.

Another method that we show the world who we are is through our national flag. It is associated with our nation’s image. Our flag is flown when Bangladeshi athletes win medals. The flag travels with our leaders when they visit other nations. Whenever we see our flag in new locations, we are proud. The flag is comparable to an ally who never deserts us.

It’s critical that other nations view our flag and discover more about Bangladesh.

When they do, they witness our bravery, tenacity, and spirit. Our nation’s commitment to peace and advancement is symbolised by our flag. It’s critical that we remember the significance of our flag.

Our national flag is quite unique, to put it briefly. We ought to respect it and recognise its importance. It’s one of the things that sets our nation apart. The flag is shared by all of us. It unites us as a people with a common hope for our country.

It is our earnest wish that this all-inclusive guide has helped each student understand the great importance of the paragraph about Our National Flag.

By incorporating this knowledge, we hope to foster a sense of pride and respect for our national symbol in addition to supporting your academic performance. Recall that knowing the flag’s background, significance, and meaning goes beyond academic requirements and strengthens our ties to the history and ideals of our nation.

We urge every student to consider the teachings they have received and to uphold the dignity of our flag in all aspects of their lives. We now wrap up our discussion of Our National Flag. Warmest regards for your academic pursuits, and may everyone of you proudly and honourably represent our country.

আপনাদের ধন্যবাদ জানাই সম্পূর্ণ আর্টিকেলটি পড়ার জন্য। আসা করি রচনাটি আমাদের পছন্দ হবে । শুধু একটা নয় আমাদের ওয়েবসাইটটি ঘুরে দেখলে আপনারা আরো অসংখ্য রচনা পেয়ে যাবেন । আপনাদের সুবিধার্থে কিছু রচনার লিংক নিচে দেয়া থাকলো

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